Archive | January 2014

Ten Indictments against the Modern Church

The Ten Indictments are
1. A Denial of the Sufficiency of Scripture
2. An Ignorance of God
3. A Failure to Address Man’s Malady
4. An Ignorance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
5. An Unbiblical Gospel Invitation
6. An Ignorance Regarding the Nature of the Church
7. A Lack of Compassionate Church Discipline
8. A Silence on Separation
9. A Replacement of the Scriptures Regarding the Family
10. Pastors Malnourished in the Word of God

I enjoyed the book but I do not agree with it. Paul Washer is preaching law mixed with grace which is not grace at all. He preaches repentance for salvation. In this age of grace we are told to believe not repent. Repent means to change your mind. When we are saved the Holy Spirit will deal with our sins there is no reason to deal with sins at salvation. We are to come to Christ just as we are.

We should believe that salvation is by grace through faith. Being born again by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ is the only requirement for salvation. We are not of the bond woman but of the free woman. I also wonder why Paul Washer speaks and writes like someone from another century. He mixes truth with untruth to the point of being confused. I do believe we need a man like Paul Washer to bring us back to the true teaching of the Bible but we do not need someone who will put us under the condemnation of the law.